About Conti Lab

David Conti, PhD

I am a Professor in the Division of Biostatistics in the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. I am also the Kenneth T. Norris, Jr. Chair in Cancer Prevention and Associate Director for Data Science at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. I received my B.S. and M.S. in Earth Systems from Stanford University investigating the potential impact of climate change on the Colias butterfly as a indicator species (with Dr. Ward Watt) and the co-evolution of genes and language using agent-based modeling (with Dr. Joanna Mountain). I then received my Ph.D. in Genetic Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Case Western Reserve University working with Dr. John Witte and Dr. Robert Elston.

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Research Focus

The Conti lab performs research in genetic and environmental epidemiology with a particular interest in factors across populations. This includes development of statistical methods and applied collaborations. Methodological research aims to integrate multiple omic measurements, biological knowledge, and external prior information in statistical modeling, primarily focusing on the use of Bayesian hierarchical models. More recently, we have been developing a stochastic epidemic model for the COVID-19 pandemic in Los Angeles County.

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Students & Post-Docs

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Gillian King

PhD Student

Qiran Jia

PhD Student

Jiayi (Sylvia) Shen

PhD Student

Shardul Nazirkar

MS Student